Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to reduce a DXF file size saved from AutoCAD

You have saved a DWG file as DXF but the file size is quite large. You want to know if it is possible to reduce the file size of a DXF file.
 Yes you can reduce DXF file size from 28MB to 600 to 800KB. Just you need to do some tricks. Lets see...
1) Open a DWG file in your AutoCAD.
2) PURGE the drawing with all options turned on.
3) -PURGE Regapps.
4) AUDIT the drawings.
5) Go to the file menu, select save as.
6) When dialog window open select folder, give file name, select  file type
7) In dialog window right upside select Tools, go to Options...
8) Saveas option , select DXF Options, in format keep as it is, mark in select objects click OK
9) Now select object whatever you want to save as DXF then hit enter....
Finished, now your file is less then 1MB...
Enjoy & keep watching and sharing my post to your friends. 


How to change default location of .bak file in autocad

Dear all, How are you today.
Do you know ho to change Autocad *.bak file location in a specify folder...
I will tell you how to change the location,,,

By default, bak files are saving in the same folder as the drawing file.

You can use the MOVEBAK command to change the location or go to express menu, click file tools then move backup files.
On the command line, enter the path location where you want the backup file to be stored.

Note you must have Express tools installed to access this command.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dialog window do not open as expected for some commands in AutoCad

Hey guys, How are you all, Its very good day today...
When running an command that usually display file selection dialog window such as Open, Recover, Saveas, Xattache, it instead shows a prompt at the command line and no dialog window appear.
The FILEDIA variable has a current value of '0' (zero).

It is hard to type full address to open a file. I am going to tell you how to solve this issue..

To display a dialog window when using the Open, Saveas, etc. commands:
On the command line in autocad, enter FILEDIA enter 1 for the value. Or if you want to hide it new value '0', 

Happy blogging

Friday, November 4, 2016

How to draw points and poly line through MS Excel in Autocad

Good morning Guys,
How are you today.
This is the second day on and today I wanna give you a tips 'How to draw points and poly line in auto cad software through Microsoft excel, and using this command you can copy one object to multiple location in a second so lets start......

1) Open Microsoft Excel, in 1st column type command PL (LIST in 2nd column will be easting(X) value (214609.15), in 3rd column will be northing (Y) value (389996.38) and in 4th column if you have level (Z) value (42.359) and in 5th column (bracket close) ), this all will be in 1st row.

2) In second row, 1st column type (LIST, in 2nd column will be next easting(X) value, 3rd column next northing(Y) value 4th column level (Z) value and in last 5th column bracket close )
as shown in image below, select from 2nd row column A to last whatever data you have up to column E and copy ctrl+c

3) Now open your auto cad software and directly paste in command line, remember before paste your data you have to off Osnap with pressing F3 button.

you can see polyline is drawn....

4) And now if you want to copy any object to this coordinates in a second just copy that object in cad with copy command not ctrl+c and select that object then in command line right click and paste coordinates you already copied from excel lets see below images




object copied to same location

Thanks for reading,,,

Happy blogging...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

How To hide or show menu bar in Auto CAD

Hey guys, How are you today, Today I want to tell you how to hide or show menu bar in Autocad Software any version so lets read it.

Open your auto cad software any version I have auto cad 2016.

1). Open autocad and type in command line MENUBAR and press enter key

2)It will ask you new value for menubar, if you want to see menubar then press '1' and enter or if you want to hide then press '0' and hit enter key. it will hide menubar
So enjoy and keep reading my post and wait for new
and if you have any question please write in comments